Friday, January 3, 2014

My Ghanafoo

Realizing that I have less than four months left of my Peace Corps service does a lot to me. First, it puts a smile on my face – I will see my family and friends so soon! I have an awesome post service trip ahead and am looking forward to continuing some of my work in the future, but (hopefully) with pay.
Then I think about all the people that helped make Ghana my home and I can’t help but already miss them. I’ve included both of these people in my blogs before, and talk about them constantly, so here’s a snap shot of two of my favorite humans in all of Ghana. Maybe when I come home and talk about them, you’ll feel like you know them too?
Gifty has been my rock since coming to my community. She is intelligent, kind, independent, beautiful, and honest, and I am lucky to know her.
Our friendship began when she heard me squeal at cockroaches in my latrine. I could tell she was trying to understand, but couldn’t help but tease me from the beginning, “Here is a millipede,” she said pointing to one of the slow and omnipresent creatures, “Are you afraid of these also?”
She had me there.
Our friendship evolved into daily dinners at her shop, talking about life, and learning about each other. It also helped that she has one of the most adorable children in the village, Justice, with her incredibly kind husband Jackson.
I didn’t know that I would ever be able to connect with someone here as much as I have with Gifty. She is among the few Ghanaians who got to know me as a person, behind the novelty of my skin color and national identity. She knows when I am upset, what to say, and comes up with the most perfect explanations about it all. We laugh until tears come, and listen until the other is done talking. I love her as my sister and one of my very best friends. I would never have made it without her.
Or if I did, there would be one less beautiful smile and the palm nut soup would have been a lot less great.
Gifty and I in on Christmas morning at her mother's village

 Beautiful Gifty and Justice

Osei has been my Ghanaian father, friend, and loyal work partner since I arrived bright-eyed and optimistic in the place I would call home for the next two years.
He truly cares about our community and wants to make it a better place. He has supported me through it all, helping me turn my ideas into reality and making my service successful. He knows when to temper my, well temper, provide advice when I’ve gotten too eager, and support me once I’ve made a decision.
I once managed to leave my bedroom door unlocked during a weekend away. Osei called to advise (and lightly scold) me, then proceeded to sleep in my hallway to protect my belongings for two nights until I returned. What a sweet man. (He refused to sleep in my bed, even though I begged him.)
He is also one funny guy and has earned the nickname “Fastest Ghanaian in the West” for his warp speed stroll that leaves me, though six inches taller, in a jog to keep up. Here are some examples of my fast and furious(ly )funny father’s epic comedy:
Scene 1: Osei and younger man playing “African checkers” outside of a spot (or bar) with a group of friends while I sit next to the circle.
Osei slams down a piece (as is requisite for all checkers here) and says, “Come and collect your pad.” He then leans over to me and says, “Because he is on his menses.”
Proof positive that men worldwide call other men “women” as an insult during competition. This joke may not appeal to my female readers, I suppose. I laughed though.
Scene 2: Conducting house-to-house education about the importance of sleeping under a bed net. He is translating my English to Sefwi and I can’t figure out why everyone is laughing.
A younger woman who speaks some English informs me he has just said the following, “If you feel it is too hot to sleep under the net, you should be sure to remove your clothing (finger wag) but be careful not to bump buttocks in the night.”
I definitely didn’t say that.
Oh, Osei. What would I do without you? Certainly not our secret handshake (shake, snap, fist bump, high five). 
Osei and I during the bed net distribution
Osei gives his "thumbs up" for the borehole drillers
Here's to the next few months with my favorite Ghanaians, and to many, many more with my American family and friends. I'm so incredibly blessed.